Creative Writing

Make it up as you go along, why not?

From the discovery I was allowed to make up as much stuff as I wanted and could then list these as 'Creatively Written Content', I have done just that and have had a reasonably enjoyable time doing it.

What I have included under this heading varies from silly stuff to everything else their might be to write about in the World. This is creative contexts mainly using imagination along with inspirational sources I've spent a lot of time on. All of this is still in the colation phase or even the 'In Process' stage, meaning that I have not actually written it yet although I might have some sort of outline or plan for what I will be adding to the few files I have.

I've placed Myth and Magic at the top as this material is what I find easiest to come up with content for and under this heading might be any Detective type stuff or Horror and Mysteries etc. This will include anything I might like to say about Magicians as well.

Bits and Bats, (Odds and Sods).

Anything and everything is here under this heading including Biography, Interview, Obituary and Fictional accounts (or other) of serious subjects. All in all, there's not much of it TBH. What their is is still under development and is in for a rewrite after a proof read at the very least.

Opinion, Journalism

Content under this heading is there under 'pre-write' and 'in progress', meaning that I am sure I will come up with some more of this, but not yet. An Icon is there for the Clickery, but it's been released a bit early; partly because I've lost patience with it and partially due to the fact I've spent far too long on it already. I might alter or add to it once more and better thought comes to me. Page 2, all about Cosmology, is there via the link at the bottom of the page.

Myth and Magick

Bits and Bobs
