Man the Superman

( a Fifth Page to Man is Superman )

We so far have quite a lot of writing on some Subject or other, largely on the subject of Governance and what might be considered as paths forward for the World and its' people. What though might all this Portend? I shall perhaps attempt to clarify through to the end of this piece.

Modern State apparatus emphasizes freedom for each person and can claim this is extended as much as if it were to be written directly into the constitution of the formation of the State itself. Personal opinion and expressible viewpoints are great and important to everyone, but looking again in sobriety and the cold light of day any publicized viewpoint could be thought of as a Crass commentary on inevitability.

We have the introduction and the implementation of new legislation regularly with the commentary of the Journalist stating the only people to be advantaged will be the Lawyers. Often we understand and accept from a commentator what might be thought of as important in the World most recently while a more thought out, thoughtful approach could tell us the Politics of it all might favour the recipient of the Media and disadvantage those targeted by a new Law.

Reasons for gratitude and celebration? Not necessarily.

Society, Government and the World will have to do something with its' extroverts and those expressing exuberence easily perhaps genuine reasons for celebration will prove to be a good outlet for all this while chances of Survival are brought back into kilter for someone thought of as outlandish and not ordinary with a valid point back to the accepted average within a or the Social Sphere.

What is my Religion and associated beliefs? I might anote that I am nearly 50% Christian with other percentages adding upto 99. The 1% I have put aside for reasons that might be counted as Void. Hinduism has gained in percentage terms recently while belief in Media has seen a steady decline for quite some time; even at the very height of my intoxication not much of a place was made for it in my life.

Modern Religions, Sufi-Hinduism, Western Buddhism, Atheism and Agnosticism even Tibetan Buddhism and adherence to the teachings of the Dalai Lama as well as resurgent ones such as Zen and Shinto all should have a place in the Modern World, but of course will be mainly ignored in favour of the colation and collection of Government print and hoarding of value rounded up and claimed by those hoping to present a viable monolithic State organization.

Ascribing and attaching value to currency remains a difficult preoccupation. When all else fails the Land claimed and the Property that stands on it and then the content of each household or Store front can suffice as that which is precious enough for a decent enough Numbers game for the accountants and Numeroligists who inhabit any given National Land border. Would everyone have preferred entertainment along with Sport accompanied by freely available opinion? yes, I suppose they would.

The conflicts, battles etc. that involve the spread of International Communism are comparitively old now, with the scenarios well known and rehearsed, but that does not bipass the current relevance. The much vaunted Migrant Crisis and Migratory difficulties are clearly to many Socialism by the back door. Little will be done about any of it either by those in agreement with the analysis or those giving rise to argument. For a minority who forever look to be aggressive and abusive to someone here we have a prone, but available collection swarming to be selected to be in the firing line. Farcical situations that arise like these might be better off as the setting on a Film set, but Political, Social, Economic and Monetary considerations would be sidelined in an extensive Media approach so no, the solution is illusory once more and the Migratory Human Nature could possibly be proven as fact.

Value is applied to our agreed currency while agreement holds between the residents and the resultant numbers can be manipulated and understood by Accountants who might advise interested parties and this whole system can be referred to as Money and Financing. Organizing our existence according to this System has proven to be a workable way of life for quite some time and could be said to define the Modern World and Industries.

My original snipe that perhaps the total number of Number manipulators could be too high along with the number of organizers and managers while those working manually on the solutions is forever too low is of course now proven totally wrong these days and with the shortly to be introduced Robots adding to the mix, I could not be wronger. Taking my place running a Spreadsheet I'm happier than ever with all the fiscal arrangement.

Again, I am drawn to the question of what it might be or might have been to Love and have loved those, specifically MEN, with real wealth and Power, this might be worth some exposition and I have written quite a few words on the subject, but looking at these now I am not so sure the interpretation will survive the analysis of a stringent Feminist and as such I'll give it a rest for the moment and perhaps write something else instead, something designed to attract and gain approval to try and guard my reputation.

Defining, controlling and influencing the Narrative? I suppose I am guilty of this, but not as guilty as some and I'm hoping to avoid the punishments involved, quite obviously.