Man the Superman

( a Fourth, but not final Page to Man, Superman )

The Communists are everywhere, or seemingly so. How are the sane and rational to go about a life in a Rich, Technologically Advanced, Scientific Society with the almost constant bleatings of those forever living through someone else's history while demanding a Revolution that will never be brought about and has no possibility of succeeding.

It is always difficult to Love and Love right. What might it be to engage properly with the correct person for your own lifetime and receive the validation you have constantly made the correct decisions about anything and everything. Few will find out.

Often it's been asked as to if and when the Third World War will be Televised. Of course we now know that it will be ( or is currently being, perhaps it's in progress? ), just as the continuing World Revolution is organised and then covered, in a Journalistic sense, by Social Media.

Having mentioned my disaproval of the Communist I cannot maintain my dislike for the Fascist is implied. For years and then more years each of these ideologies is summarily dismissed as different sides of the same Coin. A good and sound basis for dismissal if there ever was one. Perhaps this proposition does not support the current Status Quo in any way, but is the only argument required to deny either of them real Power.

What might it be to Love someone who wields real Power and has Wealth. A powerful ambition for some and not so for the vast majority.

Far too many approach the subject with a question. How might this Money have been earned and the Power gained? These are clearly defensive attempts when the person has already engaged a response remotely, distantly and second or third hand.

The argument Money is a simple appropriation of Government print is factual, but the evidence of real power and wealth is difficult to ignore. When someone i.e. others, is or are willing to do as you ask or say because you have a nice tone of voice or cute vocal inflexion and then you later find yourself with Government responsibility and resources you become journalistic fodder forever labeled as a corrupt politician.

Some Lady or other commented some time ago that it might be good for men to accumulate wealth and power as long as they were a good Lover and gave some thought to provision. Not perhaps the greatest of moves when some of the meanest, most nasty of people dominate in the World of finances and property.

A Government actor does not have to defend the wealth and position enjoyed in a never ending series of interviews given to journalists feigning interest. The brevity of an image of you and your car will suffice.

No-one ever made a lot of Money by going out of their way to not tread on people, but someone more thoughtful could have changed into softer footwear. You could have heard the words 'An ethical Man' applied and it might very well be true. Many simply label people like this 'Boorish'. As in "a Boorish Brute better left alone to get old and fat".

Who were being referred to as 'the Bourgouise' and the big Bourgouise? Probably these nasties trying to hold on to wealth and power.

When the State can no longer claim to have paid the key suppliers of what it uses, might like or demands in dispossessions or beating down of its' creditors the main problems it faces can clearly be defined and determined.

Violence to impose rule by those who are strong rarely works out well. Clever governance to impose the rule of the clever falls short by some margin as the demands of the population to remain stupid and ignorant overwhelm the drive and need for advancement and Science.

Any interested party or authority might or will have difficulty trying to prevent or stop a Corpser from carrying their favourite activity. State backed Murderers will have an almost limitless set of resources to keep themselves occupied while a Humanitarian concern or Religious enclave will find the supply insufficient to pursue any meaningful course or courses of action. In most or all paths in life we might find a difficulty and suggest a remedy, but the Corpser rids the world of a potential adversary who carried the difficulties before them and does not have to provide a solution to a problem.

The persistent and continuing Medicalization of everyone and everything in the World is the only answer for many, the pushback against does not raise the same and usual questions as other and previous foibles.

A build up of Weapons will over time make the holder or bearer much more liable to offence; a bit of a statement of fact I feel, but their's always contestation.

The World of Technology, Information and Science is endangered by an Arms race of two or more forces intent on engaging in conflict.

The huge pitfalls in broadcast media, Politics and Journalism might come to light and be evidenced one day, but certainly not yet or indeed this decade or next.

The continuing New Age of Information advancement is there for each of us and holds then delivers much. What we might like out of it we can now list openly and display to others while a reply might not be needed. Robots are coming and will be here soon, they will do what we ask of them without much questioning just as long as we can wield the technical expertise to keep them working within parameters. Of course parameters have to be decided on and defined by someone and this person might not be yourself; will they function correctly outside of a single, listed parameter? No, again, I am afraid not.