Man as the Superman
( Man, Superman Complete )
Does one immediately have to trawl through the dirges of someone else's or other people's histories before someone rational or acceptable and at the very least readable postulates a thesis before putting a writing forward for analysis and further reasoning. QUESTION
History then can teach us much, except when it relates nothing at all of any relevance to the moment and/or to the reality.
Man is Mortal, but man as Superman is not.
Man remains Mortal; but Man, Superman will not
Running and Jumping puts us in the same league as a Goat yet we do not eat Grass so easily and our digestive tract would not thank us if we were to attempt to. It may be possible to imagine some lowly Surf asking of his Lord and Master, "We should eat the Grass when the last of the Food is gone?" "Yae." Sayeth the great leader, "But do not tell anyone how great our trickery at avoiding starvation."
Once it is possible to conceive of Man as greater than he is, a discernible goal can be set for the fulfilling of all the necessary requirements for one to become greater, and take more steps or dances toward the ever receding goal of immortal perfection.
To be Perfect, yet not complete.
One single straight line along a floor looks just as it is to the Eye; that is a straight line. This line if drawn is predominantly defined by its' background. Made and laid out as String makes the definition a much different proposition. Along the direction of travel, at a slant or as a border will make no difference, its image forms in our Brains through our Eyes and thus occupies our Mind.
Along my Path in life I am certain that any and all discarded String will remain undisturbed by me and I will not take my time weaving a skipping Rope to jump endlessly around, what after all was only fit to be discarded as waste. Can we all not do this? Better than I was yesterday? Fitter, stronger and more lean; yes I would like to answer yet I fear all I have been is lazy and wasteful throwing away what could have been sustenance and lifeblood.
Another's timeline caught up in my own. Some other persons view of what is real and should be reckoned with and my own calculated Destiny. I am sure to trample over and through anyone and their illusions because my own calculation outweighs theirs and does not take any account of their need.
Once a Lover, a Friend a confidante now relegated to Fiend; through effort and sweat and little else.
Power can be thought of as Political influence wrought and swung by those with authority over a people willing to be dictated to like Children. More likely attributes are given up to someone else because not much can be thought of to do with skillsets that remain dormant and unused for significant lengths of time. Drunks and Drunken men intent on making the people look as foolish as they are point to their Liquor and declare themselves superior. On what basis should they be believed? Anyone looking and noticing the aberrant behaviour cannot follow these bad smelling people into the Gutter by way of Alcohol infusion. It's best to look at these and make sure others do not go the same route. A one way path down to the depths of Idiocy should be properly labelled as such.
The World is full of rules and rulemakers insisting on things that you cannot do, but what is it that you may or can do?
A question answered after it is posed is commonplace. Many Societies through Time's history have been able to withstand the erection of more than two ideas standing, ideas that do not necessarily oppose. Byzantium was not so much the naming of a great City and its empire, but a prediction of a future in which by way of War only two ideas could exist at once and these should oppose each other in nature.
Thinking and yet to have Thunk, is that not all?
An adolescent has been known to demand of those he finds around him better and greater than that available, but no-one will tell him that he must apply effort to better himself before picking up his just reward. Taking what does not belong to you is Thievery and little else. Transactions leading to rightful owning of property require many permissions before the idea is agreed amongst all that the ownership has legally and properly transferred. Currency must be current. Small Notes that denote finance might actually be of more use and value once passed through a Washing Machine rather than laying idle in some old wallet or Piggy Bank.
Do the Drugs. Yeah man, but I do not have to take them. I don't have to drink the Ale neither.
Do only good things, and expect no reward. The impossible demands of a Buddhist Monk who first by necessity has to go out into the World. You must move like a Fish among the people? Yeah Man.
A person coming to terms with their own Mortality can be subject to great flashes of insightfulness as to their surroundings and what it might be to be in relation to them. Once laying flat on a Hospital Bed, the Ceiling and its indents might well give way to clues as to the real meaning of existence as well as giving forward extra meaning as to the ways of the Universe and a Humans' place within it.
It can be said and is said often by the sick and by the dying that life all along was just a precursor to death. Accepting ones fatal disease and short term prognosis as an end to existence is all that is left for this person; nothing more.
Not too often does anyone get to the Doctors and come away with a gloomy prognosis such as the end of life itself. Referring the very poorly to a colleague is the advisable course of action. Let someone else deal with it.
Error always precedes Truth? Not necessarily. Error such as this is only borne of imperfection and ignoring this their is no need or requirement for something or anything as exacting as truth.
Truth, Justice, Equality and even Fairness all must rest on action that has come from principle. A Goal worth achieving has been found or acquired and we must be entrapped by our Minds in order to fulfil these requirements. Actions will be judged individually but the Goal will be reached or it will not.
Hitting others about the Head must be the most successful form of assault or injury. Denying an opponent Cognitive function is clearly the cleverest way of achieving dominance over others who should be inferior and subservient.
A state once set up and in effect a practicing function of Government, has to keep itself supplied in a constant frenzy of supply and consumption. What happened to the promises made by the Government about reigning in the abuses of Power and resources? Gone and forgotten, all but boring memories in a turgid past.
What is it about Religion? Recruiting into the closed Cloisters of a tight religion does happen occasionally. Some can see the future rolling out as a series of despairs amongst a people that have no reason to believe that what has gone on before has to change. Good people go into the World and do good deeds and do them well. What aspiration and sentiment, but what futility when order and constancy of supply is at last established.
Reality, consciousness. Here are two viewpoints that lead to correct actions in the World no matter what the eventual outcome of the series of chained events. Good intention rarely brings about the intended positive result, much more than Bananas and a following Wind will be required if your Monkey is to press all the right buttons in the correct order.
Right through might is good fun for any Armed force, but Sex through brutality will undermine the position of any supposedly great leader and only lead to casualties as well as terrible losses.
Do I wish to win at conflict and at War? Of course I must answer yes. Avoiding fault in War is never possible. Is it possible that we were forced into War by our inability to avoid fault.
What and who defines our Consciousness must be subject to our will over the World and the people who inhabit it.
Necessity, necessity and then more necessity. What appeared so problematical and who was required as a puzzle solver to bring local and wider Society to equilibrium once more.
Once a World known for Reality and reasonableness can be turned over very quickly with any Headturning approach or idea that immediately addresses one of the fundamentals of human life.
A good ruler is never dismissive about the need and want he presides over or may preside over, but can use this for extra leverage for the implementation of his will over others.
Ruling, Government and dictatorship. What to say and do in judgement and support when after all many leaders and Governors fearful of Assassination have murdered those close to them. Were we not doing what was best?
Determinism has the advantage to the determinist. What is this influence used for and who will gain, this is the basis of Politics.
Philosophization of the World as seen from the view of an individual has to be preclusive to eventual advantageous outcome through distributed cleverness by the written word.
Yes, in the World we can forever look forward to endless knowledge and understanding being expressed through writing and the written word. Once understood action can follow these words and lead to a new realism where many or all of us can abide and be happy.
Law, belief; these are not the same.